Pediatric Waiting Area

Nobody likes to come to the Emergency Room – and when you're a child, it's even scarier.

That's why Baptist Health Foundation, through generous contributions from individuals, charitable foundations and businesses, helped fund this special section in our ER waiting area just for children – where they can feel reassured and safe.

This space is separate from where any adult patients and family members wait and makes the Emergency Department more  welcoming for our youngest patients and their families. The uniquely designed room o„ers child-friendly amenities to help distract them from their discomfort and reduce anxiety.

Baptist has long been a hospital of choice for pediatric non-trauma care. Approximately 6,000 children come through our ER each year – because parents trust the care of their children to our skilled and compassionate doctors and nurses.

Baptist has treated, and loved, Mississippi's children for over 100 years and earned their trust through many generations.

Thank you for contributing to this important project to help ease the apprehension and lift the spirits of our children – and their parents – who come to us for healing and care.


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